- Play:
- Song Name: Which ye shall observe
- Artist: Fowey Fellowship
- Album: Deuteronomy - Part Two - A guide through the Wilderness (Fowey Fellowship)
- Year: 2018
Another great principle here is that this inheritance is a gift from God. This unruly rabble as they wandered through the wilderness could in no way earn their entitlement to this possession.
God had preordained and covenanted this many years previously to their fathers, now all they had to do was to go in and possess it in obedience and faith.
What a gift, what an opportunity! What a prospect lay before them and now these were the rules by which they were to live and worship in the land where they could rest on the Word of God.
God wanted to show to His people His great love for them.
What an inheritance we have received and which will be completed for us when we get to heaven. But it is an inheritance which we possess now and enjoy today and on into eternity.
As the children’s hymn says:
There’s a home for little children
Above the bright blue sky,
Where Jesus reigns in glory,
A home of peace and joy
No home on earth is like it,
Nor can with it compare;
For everyone is happy
Nor could be happier there.